Wow! Has it really been two months since I’ve posted to the blog?! Either time flies when you’re having fun or I’m not very good at keeping you informed about what’s been happening at the studio. I prefer to think it’s the former.
Well here’s what’s been happening at the studio. Last month we started a new email newsletter that we’ll use as another way to keep you informed of upcoming events, specials and general news involving the studio. If you’re interested you can sign up by clicking this link. SIGN ME UP! If you like it, forward it off to friends and family that you think would find it interesting. Of course you may opt-out at any time if you wish.
The holiday season brought a visit from Santa Claus. Circa History Guild had an Old Fashioned Christmas party at their location and I was able to shoot Santa…with my camera of course. He was there visiting with the children for a couple of hours and this is one of the images from that shoot that we used on our Holiday Card.

Family Christmas images were busy also. The Diaz family was particularly enjoyable to work with. The girls, Kendall and Kayla, kept Ann busy while I shot Krystal and Mark. Here’s the image they chose for their Christmas cards.

We also had numerous business clients in during this time. Ivan Ruiz of Georgia Brace and Spine, who’s putting together a product catalog showing the different styles of back and body braces used after spinal surgery, is using a number of our images in their catalog which is being assembled by MMI Creative.
Melissa, Kelly, Chuck and Sam were in need of head shots for ads, new web pages, and business cards. This is Melissa.

I took part in a Fire and Ice workshop. Yes, fire and ice. On day one, we built an array of six propane gas burners that were set up behind a model. Then we lit them up. We got some very interesting shots and we were kept busy keeping the place cool so as not to set off the fire alarm from the heat created by the burners.

The next day we built a set to hold the ice and water. Two 350 pound blocks of ice were brought in and the models posed either in the water or on the blocks of ice or a combination of both. I’ll just say they were troopers and I’m glad I wasn’t in that water.

That just about wraps up the last two months around the studio at di Sogno Photography. As you can see it’s been busy. I’ll endeavor to update it more often in 2009. We’ll have some new things to talk about soon, so check back or add us to your RSS feed to get the updates automatically.
We hope you have had a great holiday and a safe and Happy New Year.