Hi all! I said I’d be back in a couple of weeks to talk about a couple of enjoyable visits and a few shoots, so here I am!
Enjoyable Visits
If you didn’t already know, a few months back the High Museum in Atlanta had a very eclectic car exhibit that featured numerous one-of-a-kind cars. If you didn’t get downtown to view this show, you’ve really missed something special.
One of the best things about that exhibit was that they allowed photography! With the number of milling around the cars, it was difficult to capture images showing just the cars. But with a bit of patience, I was rewarded with a lot of great images. Equipment alert!…Having a large camera helped stop folks from walking in to my shot, so there are some benefits to carrying that heavy gear around with me!

With that being said, I was a gracious guest and made sure I didn’t cause a commotion and get myself kicked out of the museum. Something I’ve seen done to other photographers for not following the museums photography regulations.
Another exhibit I visited was up in Cartersville at the Booth Western Art Museum. A total of 120 prints are currently on display there through February 20, 2011. These prints, created by Adams himself, were given to The Friends of Photography to represent his legacy. These are now in private hands and are displayed once or twice a year with a six month rest in total darkness between exhibits.

They allowed photography as long as you didn’t use flash, so I captured just a few images of the exhibit. It was great seeing images that I’d only seen online or in print and knowing that Adams actually printed them himself made it even more special. In addition, there was a lot of great western art. Enough that I’ll make a return visit to see more.
Across the summer, I’ve been involved in few large shoots. One was with a well known commercial photographer who at one time shot for Playboy. He held a workshop on lingerie photography and because I have a boudoir product called Curtain Call, I attended to continue honing my skills at this style of photography. It’s not as easy as you might think and there are many things to keep in mind during one of these sessions. The most important thing is to make sure you flatter the subject, no matter what their figure may be. Every woman has that inner sexy and if they’re doing a boudoir session, they want to see it!

I brought along some wardrobe and megan was generous enough to pose for me. I concentrated on learning technique at this workshop and these are just a few images that I feel met that requirement.
Next up was a portfolio shoot, not for just one model, but for 3, on the same day! These were shot around Marietta Square, early on a Sunday morning. The experience level you see here ranged from new to very experienced. Because traffic was so light at that time of day, we even had the opportunity to use the center line for some added interest!

We got some great shots for everyone before the skies opened up and forced us to wrap things up.
I had the opportunity to work with Rob Burgner and Maureen O’Rear of Bleeding Edge on a video shoot they were doing for the doctor’s at Premier Care for Women in Sandy Springs. The doctors were updating their web site and needed executive portraits in addition to the video services. I know Rob and Maureen through Powercore, a networking group of which we are members, and I highly recommend their web services whenever I can.
I can say it was interesting being the only men in their office. Aside from the puzzled looks that Rob and I received as we moved around their office, the doctors rotated through our makeshift studio and the video and portrait captures were completed in just a couple of days.

That’s it for now. As always, I’m willing to talk a bit of technical stuff or just answer some questions. If there is anything you’d like to ask or if you have suggestions for a future post, feel free to drop an email to info@disognophoto.com. Bye for now!