Lately, the people I’ve talked to have asked me this question when I mention virtual tours. To provide one answer, I’d like to use the advertisement and the story of how a new client of mine, Garrett Backman owner of Rubicon, LLC, is using them on his upcoming new website as an example.
When I met Garrett, he told me that he was updating his company’s web site and wanted unique images of his Gainsville, GA office property. Because Gainsville is a pretty good hike from his corporate offices in Roswell, GA, he wanted the ability to show the property when potential tenants were interested, any time of the day or night. He settled on virtual tours as the solution to his problem.
His building offers a fantastic view of Lake Lanier, and after shooting one of the virtual tours, I captured a panorama image showing its proximity to the lake. You can see in the ad below how Garrett is using that image in the Gainsville Times newspaper.

Rubicon - Gainsville Times Ad
Although his new website is not up at this time, I’ll show a couple of his virtual tours using the hosting service option that my clients have when I create a virtual tour for them.
As seen in the ad above, the patio area and the offices on the back of the building have a great view of the lake. Click on the image below to enjoy a popup virtual tour of that view. While viewing these tours, be sure to use the cursor to move back and forth or up and down to see a total view of the space.
This virtual tour is of the impressive two story atrium. Again, click on the image below to enjoy a popup of that virtual tour.
So how can a business owner use a virtual tour? They can use them to:
- Wow customers
- Offer immersive viewing experiences of their properties
- Expand their buyer universe
- Help them sell more
- Be available even when they aren’t – 24/7/365
Any business owner, property developer or architect, and hotels and resorts can use virtual tours to differentiate themselves from their competition and provide outstanding views of their locations to potential clients.
Visit the Virtual Tours page under the Services menu to find out more about di Sogno Photography’s virtual tours product.