Hi all! I said I’d be back in a couple of weeks to talk about a couple of enjoyable visits and a few shoots, so here I am!

Hi all! I said I’d be back in a couple of weeks to talk about a couple of enjoyable visits and a few shoots, so here I am!
We’ll be going back often because this place has so many photo opportunities it just helps to rejuvenate life in general.
Hi all! I know, it’s been a while, but I must admit that I’ve been busy making images, getting some continuing education, shooting a couple of personal projects and taking some mini vacations. So, where to start? How about with the continuing education…
Another project involved working with chiaro-scuro to do some figure studies using just one light. Chiaro-scuro (Italian for light-dark) is a technique that has light areas next to dark areas in an image. A model I shot a few years ago posed for this series of images and this is just one I really like.
Some of you may know that during the last part of 2009 I was out of touch for a while with total hip replacement surgery. Well I’m glad to say that all went well and I am back at making images. I want to give a shout out to Reagan Powell for helping me out at the studio during that time, great job Reagan!
Cars and Characters…
Last month we mentioned a new product we were creating. Curtain Call has now been launched.
I’ve finally done it. I’ve opened an account on Facebook and Twitter. Tweets can be followed at ‘tfiorda‘ and you may search on my name or ‘di Sogno Photography‘ for the Facebook account.
Since the last time I updated this blog at the end of January I continued building the commercial side of the business, put a new product together, attended group shoots and took some time off to rejuvenate. Ahhhh!
…and I don’t know where it’s gone to. It was just New Year’s Day yesterday wasn’t it?
Wow! Has it really been two months since I’ve posted to the blog?! Either time flies when you’re having fun or I’m not very good at keeping you informed about what’s been happening at the studio. I prefer to think it’s the former.