Blog and Web Site…
This blog and the new web site that goes along with it happened this month. We spent a lot of time getting the site ready and we hope you like the results.
Blogging is something new to me, I’ve never kept a diary, so I hope you’ll excuse a bit of my long windedness at times. I’ll also attempt to keep the jargon to a minimum when writing these posts. If you choose to subscribe to the RSS feed, I promise not to overload you with useless information. And I’ll post when something very interesting has happened or at least once a month.
There is a history center in the development where my studio is located called Circa History Guild. They regularly have interesting speakers talking about various topics. This month the speakers’ topics revolved around the personal
experiences of their duty during the Second World War.

I did some work for them again this month, and the reason I mention this is because most of the items for sale on their web site were photographed by me. It is truly amazing to think that I’ve handled documents that contain original signatures of our founding fathers as well as other artifacts.
Check them out when you get the chance; I have personal knowledge that there are many more interesting things to be posted in the History Shoppe web gallery.
The owner of XI Builders stopped by this month and asked if I had some time to shoot a few interiors for him to use in an upcoming client presentation. It turned out the
presentation was less than 48 hours away, so of course I did the shoot for him. Normally, we would meet a few days prior to the shoot so I could see and understand what was necessary, make the proper plans, and have the right equipment with me, but due to my schedule and time constraints, we went over the shots he wanted at the time of the shoot. In a few hours of onsite work, I managed to create eight images including the one pictured here. Later that week he told me that the presentation went exceptionally well and the images were just what were needed.

June Brides?…
We all know what most ladies think of when you mention the month of June, brides and weddings! Well at my studio, that seems to have been replaced with what happens next…maternity sessions!

me busy shooting maternity images of their third trimester. Some were very close to delivery. During the shoots we did some fun images as well as some in a fine art style to document this wonderful time of their lives. I had fun shooting these and from the feedback I’ve had, the ladies had fun too.
Well that does it for now. June was a busy month for me. I hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July! Enjoy the weekend!